Best Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain

Best Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain

Those four teeth in the rear of your mouth are your wisdom teeth, or third molars. When they finally do appear, it’s usually in a person’s late teens or early 20s. For several reasons, this process can be rather traumatic. While some cases of pain subside without treatment, others necessitate aggressive pain management and, in the worst cases, removal.

Wisdom teeth can be quite painful, and this article will go over some of the reasons why and ways to alleviate that discomfort.

How Come Wisdom Teeth Are So Difficult to Adjust?

Wisdom teeth can hurt when they erupt for a number of different causes, such as:

The sensation of the tooth penetrating the gums can be quite unpleasant, just like when you were a child. The jawbone swells and inflames as the tooth erupts, putting pressure on the nerves.

Furthermore, wisdom teeth are typically not able to erupt since the mouth simply does not have enough space for them. This usually leads to the wisdom teeth erupting at an angle, which in turn shifts other teeth and increases the likelihood of tooth decay.

The other side is that teeth don’t always erupt completely. This condition, known as impacted teeth, can cause problems with the gums, such as:

  • Cysts
  • Gum disease
  • Abscesses
  • Infections

Methods for Easing the Pain of Wisdom Teeth

Several at-home remedies exist for discomfort caused by wisdom teeth, such as:

Ice Pack

Because of its numbing effects, an ice pack can be applied to areas of inflammation and discomfort to alleviate them. Try alternating 15 minutes of biting down on an ice pack and 15 minutes of resting your jaw between sessions.

Also Read: How to Relieve Tooth Pain

Clove Oil

Due to their numbing effects, cloves and clove oil show potential as topical pain treatment according to some research. Either dab the impacted tooth with some clove oil on a cotton swab or bite down on a whole clove without chewing it if you prefer a more natural approach. Simply hold it there until the pain subsides, at which point you may expel it via spittle.

Aloe Vera

Scientists have found that aloe vera is rich in antioxidants. It can also help alleviate swelling caused by teeth breaking through the gums because of its anti-inflammatory characteristics. To temporarily alleviate discomfort and cool the area around the gums, just apply aloe vera gel directly to them.


One component of peppermint leaves is menthol. Its cooling impact is all-natural and effective in relieving discomfort. It has been safely used, but there is no conclusive evidence that it alleviates pain associated with wisdom teeth.

Put a cotton swab dipped in peppermint oil on the toothache. You can also try rinsing the tooth with peppermint tea once it has cooled or using peppermint oil straight on the tooth.

Rinse with Saltwater

For the majority of patients, rinsing with saltwater helps alleviate pain from wisdom teeth. The rinsing motion can eradicate bacteria and release food particles or debris stuck between teeth, and salt is a natural disinfectant, according to research.

Furthermore, studies have shown that saltwater can help heal wounds by reducing inflammation. To make it, just mix half a teaspoon of salt with half a glass of hot water.

Also Read: 5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Dentures


Slices of cucumber are a refreshing and soothing remedy for wisdom tooth pain. To prepare, just slice cucumbers thinly and store in the fridge. Put a slice on your tooth as soon as you feel any discomfort. The relief and comfort will be felt more acutely as a result of the cold.

Analgesic Gel

Benzocaine is the main component in the majority of numbing gels. Scientific studies have shown that these gels can alleviate gum pain by numbing the area. But you’ll probably have to put these on multiple times a day. Benzocaine allergies prevent some people from using this treatment.

Sore muscle reliever

One over-the-counter pain treatment that has shown promise for reducing inflammation is ibuprofen. Pay close attention to the dosing directions on the container. To alleviate discomfort until you can visit the dentist, this is a good choice.

Extracting Wisdom Teeth

The aforementioned solutions frequently only work for a short while. Even though there are a lot of extra oral health problems that might arise from having a tooth extracted, evolution has rendered wisdom teeth obsolete. Consequently, you should expect your dentist to advise extraction if you’re experiencing any discomfort or other issues related to your wisdom teeth.

It may be feasible to perform a straightforward extraction if the teeth have fully erupted. But tooth extraction surgery is usually necessary. The discomfort should subside when the teeth are extracted. But to keep the extraction site clean and free of infection, you must take the necessary precautions.

To keep your teeth clean after an extraction, use a soft-bristled toothbrush, be especially careful around the extraction site, floss daily, and rinse your mouth with mouthwash after each meal to remove plaque and tartar. Get in touch with your dentist right away if you’re experiencing any problems, queries, or worries.


You can use the above-mentioned methods for only temporary relief; do not, under any circumstances, try to delay getting treatment as it might cause more complications. Visit Bombay Dental Specialities, Dental Clinic in Ghatkopar East, Mumbai, in case you are suffering from wisdom tooth problems.

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